Weekly challenge highlights
By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
2 min read

Weekly challenge highlights

Each week, our Excio Photo Community (home.excio.io) members step up to the challenge, armed with their cameras and unique perspectives, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary snapshots.

Explore a dazzling collection of creativity, skill, and passion. Each week, our Excio Photo Community (home.excio.io) members step up to the challenge, armed with their cameras and unique perspectives, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary snapshots.

This gallery is a testament to the diverse talents within our community, where each image tells a story, evokes emotion, or captures the beauty of our world in its own distinct way. From the breathtaking to the subtle, these photographs celebrate the continuous journey of learning and growth in photography.

Dive in and let these remarkable works inspire your next photographic adventure!

Light vs dark challenge by Kelvin Wright

Abstract challenge by Brain Scantlebury

Light vs dark challenge by Ann Kilpatrick

Nostalgia challenge by Karen Miller

Abstract challenge by Sandy McCleary

Abstract challenge by Kelvin Wright

Contrast challenge by Lorraine Neill

Looking up challenge by Dan Winner

Contrast challenge by Stephen Garner

Abstract challenge by Lorraine Neill

Perspective challenge by Rebecca McDaid

Perspective challenge by Cynthia Stoks

Contrast challenge by Damon Marshall

Abstract challenge by Debra Ellen
By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
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