#PhotographyMatters competition results
By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
8 min read

#PhotographyMatters competition results

We are proud to showcase the inspiring and thought-provoking photographs from our #PhotographyMatters competition, celebrating them as vital contributions to the global movement against digital distortion.

The #PhotographyMatters competition, held in April, was a call to action for photographers of all genres, styles, and experience levels to submit their most compelling images. This initiative aimed to highlight the significance of authentic photography in an increasingly digital and AI-dominated world. We are thrilled to present the outstanding entries that have made it to our featured list in this showcase.

These exceptional photographs, featured on the following pages, not only highlight the skill and vision of the photographers but also reinforce the importance of photography as a medium of truth and authenticity.

We are proud to include these inspiring and thought-provoking photographs in this issue of our Journal, celebrating them as vital contributions to the global movement against digital distortion.

Join us in appreciating these authentic moments, which are now more significant than ever, and let’s continue to champion real photography in a world that often blurs the lines between the true and the artificially enhanced.

'Morning soul ride' by Corina Bellis

"Image taken at a Show Jumping Series Final in New Zealand at sunrise on the last day. Sunrise occurred a little later in the morning than usual, around 7:50 am, and I happened to arrive at the event early, just before sunrise. The riders were not yet warming up when I first arrived, but as I walked outside to have a look around, I saw some riders in the distance on the cross-country course. I went back to get my camera, and by then they had started to warm up in the arena. I kneeled down in the middle of the arena with riders warming up around me."

Perpetual state of Te Kore' by Ashleigh Zimmerman

"Te Ao Māori recognises the vital role that wahine and te whare tangata have in ensuring that whakapapa is protected. They are given tapu status and have a close relationship to Papatūānuku, the creator of all life.

While currently experiencing secondary infertility, this series explores my personal experience of being caught in a state of Te Kore. A dichotomy of existing month by month, year to year, inside the dark void, and maintaining a sense of hope in the unlimited potential for being, yet to whakaea.

Using long exposure to capture the mauri in Te Kore. Transient moments of light suggest the brief separation of Ranginui and Papatūānuku that provided space for humanity to exist. Framed by darkness, these self-portraits question the role of womanhood while facing the fear of being Wharengaro, a ‘broken whare.’"

'Dandelion fantasy' by Ross Muir. Playing with single dandelion seeds, coloured LEDs, and aluminium foil.

'Reminissing' by Stuart Sims.

"I couldn’t help taking this zoomed photo of two passengers who were accompanying us on the Mary Valley Express rail trip. We had stopped for a break, and they were chatting on the platform. Both ladies were in their nineties and were no doubt reminiscing. They looked so happy and relaxed."

'Koolewong stillness' by Murray Lowe

"This image was captured in the semi-darkness of the early morning, well before sunrise. Remarkably, the camera was able to detect some very slight pastel colours in the background fog, as well as street lights on the other side of Brisbane Waters Lake. The lake’s perfect stillness completed the scene. I have never seen it like that again."

'Chain reaction' by Dafydd Davies. Passage of time.

'Coastal spray' by John Kelly.

"Walking along the Makara coastline, I was impressed with the waves crashing against the rocks. I also liked the natural, multi-layered effect of the sea, the rocks, the hills, and the sky. Nature at its best."

'Morning glow' by Jodelle Leatham.

"A very early morning, end-of-summer sunrise over the Port Chalmers Roseneath harbour area. The nuances of light reflect in the water and onto the grass, creating a lovely tranquil moment before the chaos of a workday begins."

"Time is running out" by Noelle Bennett.

"There is a lot of hype these days about absolute perfection and the notion that perfection equates to beauty. Yet, there is something equally beautiful about imperfection. This anemone had seen better days; some of its petals were missing, but the detail in the flower and the purity of its white color were quite beautiful. True, time was running out for it, but that didn’t make it any less beautiful or any less worthy of being the subject of an image."

'As it was' by Adrienne White.

"The Gannet/Tākapu Colony at Muriwai, overlooking Māori Bay to the south. Unfortunately, access remains closed due to the damage caused by Cyclone Gabrielle’s wrath in February 2023."

'Water drops' by Sandy McCleary

"A yellow dahlia reflected in a collection of water drops on a blade of grass."

'Lone tree facing the night' by John Wekking

"Side lighting illuminates a leafless, solitary tree in a paddock, lit by a nearby street light. Otago, New Zealand."

'The power of two' by Art Hyde

"This is a matted pair of wild White-bellied Sea Eagles that I studied for two successful breeding seasons. The power of their relationship was was evident from their devotion to the success of two broods."

'Weta Punga' by Noel Herman

"This shot of a Weta Punga was taken on Tiritiri Matangi Island in the Hauraki Gulf, NZ."

'Autumn glory' by Raewyn Smith

"This is a cute little waterfall within Hamilton Gardens. I adore the gorgeous colours that surround it, which I’ve captured using a slow shutter speed. It is one of my favourite photos that I have taken over the last year."

'Common Blue Butterfly with morning dew' by Damon Marshall

"With an average wingspan of a mere 24mm, have you ever noticed New Zealand’s Common Blue Butterfly, also known as Pepe Ao Uri or Zizina otis labradus? Photography matters to me because it allows me to get up close and personal with Mother Nature’s beauty that is mostly overlooked."

'The real London marathon' by Martin Kilpatrick

"Amidst all the hype and the typical ‘Insta moments’ we often see presented, I found the gritty reality quite striking."

'A view of Copenhagen' by Greg Hughson

"I captured this scene during a trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2023. I was intrigued by a young boy seated on top of some bars, looking out over a predominantly industrial area of the city. The image also includes an area of greenery and some canoes, indicating that recreation is possible in this area. This photograph matters to me because it illustrates the relationship between one small human and his complex city environment. I wonder what he is thinking."

'Woman in the window' by Rick Spencer

"The Public Trust Building in Wellington. I was about to head home when I decided to stop off in a car park and photograph this iconic building from across the street. I was lucky and delighted to find someone visible in one of the windows. The result juxtaposes the ornate and extraordinary architecture with the utterly mundane view of someone on the phone."

'Tāu rua ā tāu tahi' by David Prentice. Creative portrait of my two teenage daughters.

'Golden light' by Jodine Waghorn

'The magic of light' by Stewart Watson.

"I love the colours and orbs produced by the sun and lens flare in this shot. The Waingawa River at the far end of Upper Plain Road, Masterton."

'All quiet along the Mangawhai front' by Kurt Turpie. Long exposure sunset at Mangawhai Heads.

'Save the last dance for me' by Phil Flanagan.

"This photo is of a shearers’ cookshop in a remote location in the Maniototo, Central Otago. Nestled at the foot of the Hawkdun Mountains, it is my favourite place to gather my thoughts."

'Ruru at Tāwharanui' by Dennis Tohovaka

"A ruru roosting along the Ecology Trail one morning at Tāwharanui, briefly awake from its slumber."

Cameraman by Ann Kilpatrick

"At the last SS4C protest at Parliament, there were many photographers. How else will news about the protest events and photos get out to those who didn’t attend? This is a One News cameraman. He is often there to film the protest events at Parliament. Let’s hope it stays that way with the current media restructuring."

'Core of the drought' by Bikram Ghosh

"This El Niño weather pattern has been wreaking havoc for farmers, with a number of significant water sources drying up. I had always wanted to capture the impact under the glorious night sky. Fortunately, I had a window of clear weather after the first snowfall of the year in the mountains (which you might notice on the distant peak). I also wanted to delve further into HA imaging. Overall, it was a great night out."

'Chloe' by Marg Jorgensen

"I used a slow shutter speed to capture this young woman swirling behind a gap in a curtain."

'First flight' by Hans Wagemaker

"Jabiru stork fledgling preparing for flight in Pantanal, Mato Grosso, Brazil."

'Mystical historic pathways' by Francis Allen

"Baby fern growing amongst the shadows, with a darkened pathway in the background."

'Alone in a sea of blue' by Katharine Good. A lone sailboat off Great Barrier Island.

'A moment of traditional Japan' by Francesca Brice

"Nara, a town close to Osaka, is known for its deer that wander freely around the temples and into the town. The deer are considered sacred animals here, known for being gentle and friendly. Harming them would incur punishment. This woman was posing for a friend, and I managed to sneak up behind her to take this photo."

By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
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