Chasing the lights
By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
5 min read

Chasing the lights

Oliver Seiler's journey into aurora photography

In 2024, New Zealanders were treated to many surprising opportunities to witness the aurora in various parts of the country. Social media networks overflowed with photographs of varying intensity—some so heavily processed that it became hard to tell what was real and what wasn’t. What does the aurora actually look like to the naked eye? Where can you go to see it yourself? And how do you prepare if you’re hoping to capture it this year? ​ ​

Oliver, an experienced photographer and aurora enthusiast, takes us behind the lens in this fascinating interview. He shares his journey of photographing the aurora, from the challenges of finding the perfect location to striking a balance between enhancing photos and keeping them authentic. Whether you're a curious onlooker or an aspiring aurora photographer, Oliver’s insights will help you see the magic for yourself.

By Captivating Photography Journal profile image Captivating Photography Journal
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